Тест с ответами: «Предлоги направления в английском языке»

1. Are you going away on holiday ____ summer?
а) at
б) in+
в) on

2. I always feel positive ____ the start of the week.
а) in
б) on
в) at+

3. Madrid is the center ____ Spain.
а) in+
б) on
в) at

4. Ванная находится далее по коридору.
a) The bathroom is down the hall.
б) The bathroom is up the hall.
в) The bathroom is along the hall.+

5. Моя фотография была на обложке этого журнала. My picture was _____ the cover of this magazine.
а) in
б) at
в) on+

6. Мой брат живет в Нью-Йорке. My brother lives _____ New York.
а) in+
б) at
в) on

7. Work is always more stressful ___ the end of the month.
а) in
б) on
в) at+

8. Someone pushing a pram _____ the road.
а) across+
б) up
в) opposite

9. Я пойду завтра в банк. I’ll go _____ the bank tomorrow.
а) on
б) at
в) to+

10. Ты когда-нибудь был во Франции? Have you ever been _____ France?
а) on
б) in
в) to+

11. Я припарковал машину перед зданием. I parked the car _____ the building.
а) behind
б) near
в) in front of+

12. Mary is going to the theatre ____ Friday.
а) at
б) in
в) on+

13. David bought his car ___ 1998.
а) in+
б) on
в) at

14. Отель Виктория находится прямо возле железнодорожной станции. Hotel Victoria is located just _____ the railway station.
а) next to+
б) near
в) outside

15. Облака над городом. The clouds are _____ the city.
а) over
б) above+
в) below

16. I started work this morning ____ 8am.
а) at+
б) in
в) on

17. Are you going away ___ Easter.
а) in
б) on
в) at+

18. I have my gym ____ class Wednesdays.
а) on+
б) at
в) in

19. Put ____ the notice the noticeboard.
а) on+
б) at
в) in

20. Mike met Elizabeth ___ the way to work.
а) at
б) in
в) on+

21. Мой попугай упал с дерева.
a) My parrot fell up the tree.
б) My parrot fell down the tree.+
в) My parrot fell round the tree.

22. Someone is running _____ the hotel.
а) over
б) round
в) past+

23. There is a beautiful garden _____ the house.
а) in front of
б) behind+
в) above

24. Идите вниз по улице и увидите два кинотеатра.
a) Go straight the street and you’ll see two cinemas.
б) Go up the street and you’ll see two cinemas.
в) Go down the street and you’ll see two cinemas.+

25. There is a bus stop _____ the hotel.
а) opposite+
б) across
в) in front of

26. Mario’s restaurant is _____ the hotel and the launderette.
а) next to
б) between+
в) across

27. There is a hairdresser’s _____ the launderette.
а) above+
б) below
в) up

28. Мы все идем к торговому центру.
a) We’re all going across the mall.
б) We’re all going towards the mall.+
в) We’re all going past the mall.

29. Идите прямо по этой дороге пока не достигните реки.
a) Go across this way until you reach the river.
б) Go straight this way until you reach the river.+
в) Go down this way until you reach the river.

30. Моя сестра взбирается на гору в данный момент.
a) My sister is going to the mountain at the moment.
б) My sister is going down to the mountain at the moment.
в) My sister is going up to the mountain at the moment.+

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