Тест с ответами: «Предлоги места и направления в английском языке»

1. We have a lot of fun ____ the ice rink.
a) on+
б) at
в) in

2. This train stops ___ every station.
a) in
б) at+
в) on

3. Let’s drive ___ the field. It’s the shortest way.
a) through+
б) from
в) on

4. We spent a few days ___ Florence last week.
a) at
б) in+
в) across

5. He’ll be ___ home tomorrow in the evening.
a) at+
б) in
в) to

6. We were ___ the seaside for 20 days.
a) at+
б) in
в) to

7. They like swimming ___ the ocean.
a) in+
б) at
в) to

8. Can you meet him ___ the station?
a) in
б) at+
в) from

9. The ships are carrying their cargos ___ the river.
a) into
б) behind
в) down+

10. She’s got freckles ___ her nose.
a) at
б) along
в) on+

11. Let’s have a walk ___ the coast.
a) over
б) along+
в) onto

12. We are going ___ Spain next year.
a) from
б) to+
в) in

13. Sam hasn’t been ___ a football match yet.
a) from
б) to+
в) in

14. My son goes ___ school every day.
a) to+
б) from
в) in

15. Welcome ___ our great country!
a) on
б) to+
в) in

16. My father is ____ work now.
a) in
б) at+
в) on

17. He likes to swim ____ the swimming-pool.
a) on
б) in+
в) at

18. I try to do good ____ school.
a) at+
б) in
в) on

19. There were many people ___ the party yesterday.
a) at+
б) on
в) to

20. Our relatives are ___ Scotland.
a) to
б) from+
в) on

21. They often run ____ the stadium.
a) on
б) at+
в) in

22. I was born ____ Kharkiv.
a) in+
б) at
в) on

23. There has been an argument ___ Sandra and Lisa.
a) between+
б) among
в) under

24. Put the frozen pizza ___ the oven for ten minutes.
a) out of
б) across
в) into+

25. There is a new monument ____ the middle of the square.
a) in+
б) at
в) on

26. We saw many animals ____ the zoo yesterday.
a) in
б) at+
в) on

27. When you are ill you must stay ____ bed and call a doctor.
a) at
б) in+
в) on

28. There is a new buiding ____ the left of the park.
a) on+
б) at
в) in

29. Put your money and documents ___ the cash desk.
a) in
б) round
в) onto+

30. The bus stopped ___ the traffic lights.
a) in front
б) in front of+
в) up

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