Тест с ответами по английскому языку для 3 класса

1. Anna has got ___ nice yellow dress.
a) many
б) a+
в) much

2. Как читается буква A в слове have?
a) [eı]
б) [æ]+
в) [а:]

3. Как читается буквосочетание oo?
a) [əu]
б) [ɔ:]
в) [u]+

4. Транскрипция какого слова [‘swetə] дана?
a) sweet
б) sweat
в) sweater+

5. Kerry can see ___ parrots.
a) this
б) that
в) these +

6. Her teeth ___ white.
a) are+
б) is
в) can

7. Have you got ___ orange juice?
a) a
б) much+
в) many

8. These apples ___ sweet.
a) do
б) are+
в) can

9. Who is kind? My parents ___
a) are+
б) have
в) do

10. Who has got nice roses in the garden? Anna ___
a) has+
б) does
в) is

11. ___ to go to the park?
a) must you
б) can you
в) would you like +

12. Какое буквосочетание дает звук [tʃ]?
a) ts
б) ch+
в) ck

13. Какое буквосочетание дает звук [θ]?
a) oo
б) th+
в) tch

14. Where are the ___ hats?
a) boy
б) boys’s
в) boys’ +

15. ___ is at school?
a) why
б) who+
в) where

16. My sister has got a nice dress. It’s _____ dress.
a) my
б) her+
в) his

17. My uncle ______ a cook.
a) am
б) is+
в) are

18. He is driving a car now.
a) Present Simple;
б) Present Continuous+

19. Выберите артикль: ___ apple
а) an+
б) a

20. Выберите артикль: __ doll
а) a+
б) an

21. I ________ a student.
a) am+
б) is
в) are

22. Как по-английски пишется число 11?
a) one-ten
б) twelve
в) eleven+

23. Как по-английски пишется число 15?
a) five-ten
б) fifteen+
в) fifty

24. Как по-английски пишется число 40?
a) Forty+
б) Fourty
в) Fourteen

25. I skate on Saturdays.
a) Present Continuous;
б) Present Simple+

26. _________________ a sofa in the living-room.
а) There is+
б) There are

27. We have got a house. It is ______ house.
a) we
б) they
в) our+

28. My name ______ Kate.
a) am
б) is+
в) are

29. _________________ two toy-soldiers in the toy box.
а) There is
б) There are+

30. _________________ a bed in her bedroom
а) There are
б) There is+

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