Тест с ответами: «Местоимения this, these, that, those»

1. Please get rid of the milk, I can’t stand ___________________ smell.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

2. Dear Samantha, when you read ___________________ letter I will be in another city.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

3. Look, your room is in total mess, do you even need all ___________________ videotapes?
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

4. Who’s _____ person at the end of the street?
a) these
b) this
c) that+
d) those

5. Look at _____ clouds.
a) that
b) those+
c) this
d) these

6. Ashley suggested ___________________ we should spend our vacation together, what do you think?
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

7. As long as you are live in ___________________ house you have to clean up!
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

8. Pass me _____ magazine, please.
a) these
b) those
c) that+
d) this

9. _____ workers are more productive than those ones.
a) These+
b) Those
c) This
d) That

10. He doesn’t like _____ shoes here. Those ones there appear more like his style.
a) these+
b) this
c) those
d) that

11. We had a very strong basketball team last year, we won 15 matches in ___________________ season.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

12. How much is _____ dress here?
a) those
b) that
c) these
d) this+

13. _____ is my favourite movie, not this one.
a) That+
b) This
c) Those
d) These

14. Come here. Look at _____ picture.
a) those
b) that
c) this+
d) these

15. Avoid watering your ficus too much, ___________________ may kill it.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

16. Come here. Is _____ your key?
a) those
b) this+
c) that
d) these

17. I want _____ books not these ones.
a) this
b) that
c) those+
d) these

18. I will make sure ___________________ you have everything you need.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

19. Hey Liana, where are you going to spend your vacation ___________________ year?
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

20. Это ваш новый одногруппник.
а) This is your new groupmate. +
b) That is your new groupmate.
c) These is your new groupmate.

21. When I was young, people loved their work. In ___________________ days everyone cares only about the benefits.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

22. I need several old scientific articles for my dissertation but unfortunately ___________________ are hard to find.
a) This
b) That
c) These+
d) Those

23. Эти цветы для нее.
а) Those flowers are for her.
b) That flowers are for her.
c) These flowers are for her. +

24. Let me introduce you to each other, ___________________ is Sally.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

25. — Where is Kevin? — I did not see him since ___________________ morning. He looked unwell today.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

26. They are so happy to see you again, just look at ___________________ faces.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

27. Это очень трогательная история о животных.
а) That is a very touching story about animals.
b) This is a very touching story about animals. +
c) Those is a very touching story about animals.

28. Chimera (or ghost fish): _______ species is found in coastal waters around the Pacific Ocean.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

29. We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ___________________ is an adaptation of Somerset Maugham`s novel.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

30. Посмотрите на те рисунки. Что дети хотели сказать с помощью них?
а) Look at those drawings. What did the children want to say with them?+
b) Look at these drawings. What did the children want to say with them?
c) Look at this drawings. What did the children want to say with them?

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