Тест с ответами: «Глагол to be в прошедшем времени»

1. Our best friends ____ in the West Crimea last month.
a) was
б) were+
в) wasn’t

2. The house ___ very expensive.
а) was+
б) were

3. I ___ studying very much.
а) wasn’t+
б) weren’t

4. ___ the children playing in the street?
а) Was
б) Were+

5. How many cinemas __ there?
а) was
б) were+

6. Were you happy with your brother?
Yes, I ___
а) was+
б) were

7. Marina ___ in London last week.
а) wasn’t+
б) weren’t

8. They ___ with us yesterday.
а) wasn’t
б) weren’t+

9. ___ Lolita and Jim married?
а) Was
б) Were+

10. ____ the film Harry Potter interesting?
a) Were
б) Was+
в) Wasnt

11. My dear grandparents ____ at the Bolshoi Theatre.
a) was
б) were+
в) was not

12. Were you at home?
No, we ___.
а) wasn’t
б) weren’t+

13. I _ happy yesterday morning
а) was+
б) were

14. My brother _ sick two days ago
а) was+
б) were

15. They _ at the cinema yesterday
а) was
б) were+

16. Where ____ you after repetition yesterday?
a) were+
б) was
в) wern’t

17. How much ___ your watch?
а) was+
б) were

18. The weather _____ rainy and stormy in Sochi three days ago.
a) were
б) was+
в) wasnt

19. We ____ in the Vicky Park in London last week.
a) was
б) were+
в) wernt

20. He _ at school an hour ago
а) was+
б) were

21. I _ in London last summer
а) was+
б) were

22. He _ in his bed ten minutes ago
а) was+
б) were

23. We _ at the zoo last week
а) was
б) were+

24. The weather _ good yesterday
а) was+
б) were

25. It _ very cold yesterday morning
а) was+
б) were

26. We _ busy last week
а) was
б) were+

27. Ivan _ at the supermarket an hour ago
а) was+
б) were

28. My bike _ dirty two days ago
а) was+
б) were

29. She _ a student three years ago
а) was+
б) were

30. My English ______ very well ten years ago
а) was+
б) were

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