Тест с ответами: «Артикли в английском языке»

1. There is a red pen on the table. Give me ___ pen.
a) —
b) a
c) the+
d) an

2. I have to go to the grocery store. Can I use ___ your car, Mom?
a) an
b) a
c) -+
d) the

3. Yesterday I found ___ wallet in the street.
a) A +
b) —
c) the
d) an

4. I only want____________little sugar in my tea, please.
a) A+
b) the
c) such

5. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about____________and the French.
a) France+
b) a France
c) the France

6. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be____________.
a) doctor
b) a doctor+
c) the doctor

7. She needs ___ water. She is really thirsty.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) -+

8. I have ____ dog. His name is Baley.
a) A+
b) an
c) the
d) —

9. What____________girl!
a) strange
b) a strange+
c) the strange

10. Could you give me____________of paper?
a) sheet
b) a sheet+
c) the sheet

11. — Where is he? — He went to ___ woods.
a) —
b) a
c) an
d) the+

12. This is ___ very man whom we saw ___ day before yesterday.
a) the, a
b) the, the+
c) a, the
d) —, a

13. He wasn’t sleeping ___ whole night yesterday. That’s why he didn’t come to work today.
a) —
b) a
c) an
d) the+

14. Give me____________, please.
a) apple
b) an apple+
c) the apple

15. My father is____________.
a) engineer
b) an engineer+
c) the engineer

16. Tell him____________.
a) truth
b) a truth
c) the truth+

17. This is____________wine I have ever drunk.
a) best
b) a best
c) the best+

18. It happened in ___ 1950.
a) —+
b) a
c) an
d) the

19. ___ Alps are located in ___ Western Europe.
a) —, the
b) the, —+
c) —, —
d) the, the

20. He is ___ only person who is able to do it.
a) —
b) a
c) an
d) the+

21. My friend likes to eat____________.
a) meat+
b) a meat
c) the meat

22. Some people consider that NY is ___ capital of ___ Canada.
a) the, the+
b) a, the
c) the, —
d) a, —

23. I haven’t seen her for ___ long time. She has greatly changed.
a) —
b) A+
c) an
d) the

24. — Where is ___ Tom? — He is in ___ yard. He is fixing his car right now.
a) —, a
b) —, the+
c) the, a
d) the, the

25. He works as ___ engineer. He likes his job very much.
a) —
b) a
c) an+
d) the

26. ___ forty-fourth American President was ___ Afro-American.
a) the, an+
b) a, an
c) the, —
d) the, the

27. He is ___ smartest guy I’ve ever seen.
a) —
b) a
c) an
d) the+

28. ___ Everest is ___ highest mountain in ___ world.
a) the, the, a
b) the, a, a
c) the, a, the
d) the, the, the
e) a, a, a
f) —, the, the+
g) —, the, —
h) —, —, —

29. ___ Smiths decided to go to the party tonight.
a) —
b) an
c) a
d) the+

30. I know there is ___ apple in the fridge. Gimme it, please
a) —
b) a
c) an+
d) the

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